About Phoenix Custom Guitars
Phoenix Custom Guitars has risen from a burning desire to bring my passion for beautiful guitars to you the discerning guitarist. (Too cheesy?)
Let's start again...
We love guitars, simple as that. Love to play them, build them, take them apart and work out how to make them sound better. Crafting a high-quality precision instrument is a passion for me, verging on an obsession. There is no perfect guitar – there is only a guitar that is perfect for you. Our job is to help you create it.
So why us? No-one has ever offered to pay our founder Rob to PLAY the guitar (although he lives in hope) but Phoenix Custom Guitars was born because so many people kept asking him to fix their instruments, or even make them a new one.
His years of tinkering in the garage, carving, sanding, measuring (always at least twice) polishing and buffing have meant there are few guitar issues he hasn’t yet encountered – or solved. His greatest joy comes when clients pick up their new (or newly revamped) instrument and embrace it like an old friend.
How can our services benefit you? Well, we can’t claim our guitars (or our improvements to YOUR guitars) will turn you into Clapton, Slash or Santana (insert your guitar hero here. No don’t click on it; it doesn’t work like that, alas).
No local luthier in the world can turn you into a rock God.
But what the services of a good craftsman can do is transform your guitar into the very best version it can be. Quite simply, with expert set-up and precise adjustments, your guitar will sound better, will feel better in your hands.
It still won’t make you a maestro – sorry about that – but having an instrument in top condition will make you more inclined to sit and play, and put those necessary hours of practice though. If rock god status is reached, well, you can thank us later.